Trends to watch out for in the personal care industry in 2021

Trends to watch out for in the personal care industry in 2021

We entered 2021 with a booming revolution in the personal care and hygiene industry. The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic suddenly made people realise the importance of hygiene and personal care. With the resurgence of COVID-19 cases, now more than ever, the demand for high-quality personal care products is skyrocketing. However, unlike the first wave, when people were simply rushing to get their hands on anything related to personal care such as hand sanitisers or disinfectant sprays, today, the situation is slightly different. 

Now, as the consumers emerge from the panic-buying situation towards a more systematic approach, they have started opting for products that are naturally sourced, contain plant-based ingredients, are sustainable and eco-friendly in nature. Consumers are refraining from using products that contain chemicals such as parabens and sulfates, and shifting towards the products which provide transparency in terms of details about the raw material used. Consumers are carefully opting for products with antioxidants rich nutrients for skin nourishment that can also keep the virus at bay.

With nationwide lockdown during the first phase and now increasing scenarios of the WFH approach during the resurgence of Covid-19, the focus is shifting away from makeup towards better and healthier personal care products. This can be corroborated with existing research, as the results from a report by Amazon show a slight decline in makeup products in 2020 as compared to the 65% increase in bath-body products in the same month in 2019.  

Covid-19 has proved to be a catalyst for personal care products such as skin-care, hair-care, bath and body products. As the demand for chemical-free, natural and sustainably-manufactured products continue to grow, brands are gearing up for a shift in their approach. Numerous brands have started introducing a large number of personal care products compared to makeup and fragrance products.

Since the first wave of the global pandemic, consumers’ knowledge and expectations have escalated rapidly. Thus, the power to assist the success of the beauty and personal care industry is in consumers’ hands again. New-age consumers not only expect the products to work effectively against the germs and dirt, but they also want them to provide nourishment. Products like hand wipes and sanitisers will have a growing demand as they will be deemed mandatory in offices and public places. 

Product Trends

Hand Sanitisers

It is difficult to forget those initial days of complete lockdown when it was almost impossible to get your hands on reliable hand sanitisers. A large number of people started using sub-par hand sanitisers because of the ongoing panic mode. However, that situation has completely changed. Now, as sanitisers have become an essential friend to us all, the availability has expanded rapidly. The market is replete with highly effective sanitizers that are safe and gentle on the skin. 

What’s new this year:

This year, there is a shift in demand from liquid hand sanitisers to gel-based products — as gel-based sanitisers have added moisturisers that leave the skin conditioned and keep the essential moisture intact. 

Hand Wash

Hand wash had been trying to replace the quintessential soap from Indian households for ages. Still, the real change inhabit only came after people started realising the importance of hygiene. Throughout last year, a number of celebrities on social media urged people to wash their hands for at least one minute; this is one habit that will stay with us for a prolonged period. 

What’s new this year:

This year, too, the pace and demand for hand wash will continue to rise and shine. In fact, the beauty moguls are launching hand washes with added natural oils and refreshing fragrances, which will leave the skin feeling soft and moisturised. 

Hand Sanitising Wipes

Before the outbreak, we hardly saw new trends in face wipes, but since last year, there is a growing demand for hand sanitising wipes. The USP of the product is that it is easy to use, and it feels like a cloth dipped in a sanitiser, which can disinfect and clean at the same time.

What’s new this year: 

This year, there is a growing demand for hand sanitising wipes which is exponentially becoming a habit. Once a person gets into the habit of hand sanitising wipes, they become essential products, pandemic or not.  

Body Wash & Shower Gel

With the need to use separate soaps to ensure hygiene, body wash and shower gel became an important aspect of our personal care routine. These products have almost completely removed the standard soaps in every Indian household. 

What’s new this year: This year, the personal care industry is expecting to have a major transforming movement from soaps to body wash and shower gel. With their attractive price range and easy to use manner, body wash and shower gels are a new rage.  


It is pertinent to mention here that even today, a large number of our population has simply adapted to this transformation and need for personal care products out of necessity. For some people, it is just another random thing in their to-do list that they have to do for either entering an office or other public places; however, for some people, personal care routine has become an integral part of life. And, for those people, the increasing variety of personal care products is nothing short of blessings packed in cute wrappings. 

The post Trends to watch out for in the personal care industry in 2021 appeared first on Inc42 Media.

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